Crete 2024

Crete 2024

23rd European Conference on Literacy
7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 23rd European Conference on Literacy and the 7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference

Literacy for All: New Challenges, New Perspectives

The aim of the conferences is to present, discuss and analyze matters relating to literacy in a world that is rapidly changing. In the 21st century, social, cultural and technological changes, as well as new scientific data, invite researchers and educators from all over Europe and beyond to reconsider issues of literacy across the full span of human learning. The conclusions of these conferences will contribute to the improvement of literacy teaching and literacy research.

The conferences will take place in the city of Chania, in the island of Crete and particularly in the Conference Centre of Minoa Palace.

Conference Subthemes

  • Subtheme 1: Literacy in the Early Years (0-12)
  • Subtheme 2: Effective Literacy Instruction
  • Subtheme 3: Digital Literacy
  • Subtheme 4: Literacy Environments
  • Subtheme 5: Inclusive Practices in Literacy for Diverse Learners
  • Subtheme 6: Lifelong Development of Literacy Skills

Important Dates


March 31st: Call for contributions

November 1st: Deadline for Abstract submission


January 15th–31st: Letter for Abstract acceptance

February 1st: Registration opens for all

March 30th: Deadline for Early Birds

April 15th: Deadline for registration for presenters

Organizing Committee

The Board of the Hellenic Association for Language and Literacy (HALL)

Eufimia Tafa, Chair 

Marina Sotiropoulou-Zormpala, Vice-Chair

Evagelia Aravani, Secretary

Elissavet Chlapana, Treasurer

Maria Kreza, Member

In co-operation with the Federation of European Literacy Associations (FELA)

Marieta Tzvetkova, Chair

Ann-Sofie Selin, Treasurer                

Greg Brooks, Past Chair

Scientific Committee

Krasimira Aleksova, Bulgaria
Maria Ampartzaki, Greece
Athanasios Aidinis, Greece
Evelina Aravani, Greece
Laura Benítez Sastre, Spain
Greg Brooks, United Kingdom
José António Carvalho, Portugal
Elissavet Chlapana, Greece
Tara Concannon-Gibney, Ireland
Drahomira Cupar, Croatia
Maria Dimasi, Greece
Maria de Lourdes Dionísio, Portugal
Anna Fterniati, Greece
Aggeliki Giannikopoulou, Greece
Ioannis Grigorakis, Greece
Elena Ioannidou, Cyprus
Martina Dragija Ivanović, Croatia
Sandra Kalnina, Latvia
Stavroula Kontovourki, Cyprus
Triantafilia Kostouli, Greece
Maria Kreza, Greece
Kadi Lukanenok, Estonia
Evgenia Magoula, Greece
Konstantinos Malafantis, Greece
George Manolitsis, Greece
Tiziana Mascia, Italy
Ieva Margevica-Grinberga, Latvi
Athanassios Michalis, Greece
Aggeliki Mouzaki, Greece
Konstantinos Ntinas, Greece
Maria Papadopoulou, Greece
Smaragda Papadopoulou, Greece
Efthimia Penteri, Greece
Zuzana Petrová, Slovakia
Panagiota Papoulia-Tzelepi, Greece
Patricia Schillings, Belgium
Marina Sotiropoulou-Zorbala, Greece
Ioannis Spantidakis, Greece
Nektarios Stellakis, Greece
Ariana-Stanca Vaccaretou, Romania
Sari Sulkunen, Finland
Eufimia Tafa, Greece
Sirje Torim, Estonia
Marina Tzakosta, Greece
Marieta Tzetkova, Bulgaria
Renate Valtin, Germany
Mairin Wilson, Ireland

For more information please visit 

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