Looking back at the 4th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy in Tallinn

Looking back at the 4th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy in Tallinn

The 4th Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy “Searching for a Common Language” 16-21 January, 2020 in Tallinn, Estonia was a great success.

Let’s look back. The organisation makes this easy for you:


The organisers of the Conference are the Estonian Reading Association  in cooperation with the Federation of European Literacy Associations together with:

Baltic Sea countries have much experience with multilingual education, communication and culture and are also facing new challenges for social coherence within increased immigration as other countries.

We are looking at how to respond adequately to the needs of diverse student populations. The  language learning and access to quality education are the prerequisites of communication and social inclusion supporting the diverse cultures and minorities.

This Conference will focus on integration of learners with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, will bring together the best practice, evidence-based methodology and modern study materials, will provide a floor for cross sectoral and cross border cooperation between Nordic and Baltic countries and beyond.

The conference is open to participants worldwide interested in the topic.


The conference “Searching for a Common Language” is focused on actual themes of literacy and multilingual education:
• early literacy and intervention
•  literacy teachers and instruction
• digital competences and literacy
• literacy environments and libraries
• equal access to literacy and support to students with special needs
• lifelong development of literacy skills
Besides two full days of different interactive presentations the program includes visits and hands-on integration experiences in schools, libraries and museums, study visits to Narva, Paide and Maardu and possibilities for sharing and interaction between participants.

The Conference has been supported by:

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