FELA Initial Teaching Project
This ongoing inquiry is an initiative of Professor Emerita Dr Renate Valtin of Humboldt University, Berlin, and Professor Emeritus Dr Greg Brooks of the University of Sheffield. Our intention is gradually to collect information on this topic from as many national educational systems and languages as possible, in order eventually to produce a thorough report and analysis.
The information is being gathered during symposia within European literacy conferences. The <first symposium> occurred in Klagenfurt 2015, at the 19th European Conference, the <second symposium> at the Baltic Sea/Nordic conference in Turku/Åbo, Finland, in August 2016, and the <third symposium>during the 20th European Conference on Literacy in Madrid in July 2017; the <fourth symposium> at the 21st European Conference on Literacy in Copenhagen in August 2019, and the <fifth symposium> in Tallinn at the fourth Baltic Sea Conference on Literacy in January 2020.
The languages and orthographies already covered are: Estonian, Finnish, Swedish in Sweden and Swedish in Finland, English in England and in Ireland, Czech, German in Germany, French in Belgium, and Hebrew and Arabic in Israel, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Slovakian, Danish and Norwegian, and Italian, Latvian and Lithuanian.
To find out more and, better still, to contribute to this project, please contact the following @gmail.com addresses : renate.valtin , gregbrooks1944 , FELALiteracyEurope
Updated May 2020
For the abstracts and 21 presentations click here.