Webinar Steering Group

The proposal for the FELA Professional Thematic Steering Group responds to a request from FELA members to provide opportunities for networking across country boundaries, learn from each other, and to celebrate a community with common interests and aspirations which originates from a Strategy House discussion at the General Assembly held in Tallinn on 17 January 2020.
Professional Thematic Webinars (PTWs) include groups of people with common interests in reading literacy and engage with
their members to propose, through webinars, lectures, symposiums, online meetings on topics of particular interest on various professional issues (topics range from new scientific orientations and teaching/learning trends on literacy education for different age groups, digital reading and distance education, teachers’ professional development, children and youth literature, etc.). PTWs also offer the possibility for members to present ongoing projects in their countries or to discuss particular topics of interest to them with the wider FELA community. While English is the language of the PTWs, proposals for webinars in other languages are welcome.
Table of Contents
The Programme of the PTW Steering Group
It is part of the Programme of Work for 2021 and aims to pursue FELA’s objective, as stated in the Statutes, to support “developing education policies and contributing to the implementation of European recommendations concerning literacy and its development; promoting the exchange of information between member organizations of the Federation and other organizations throughout the world concerning the learning and teaching of literacy; cooperating with other Federations, Associations, Organisations, and Institutions, both within and beyond Europe, for the improvement of literacy”.
The PTW Group is expected to act in a coordinated and consultative manner. The Executive Committee has asked Tiziana Mascia to be the first Convenor.
The objectives of the FELA PTW Steering Group are:
- to create an active community among FELA members for professional discussion on the topics of literacy education, youth literature/young adult literature and give opportunities to draw on the strengths (knowledge) gained from the international and intercultural experiences of members;
- to initiate new forms of communication between members to promote the continuous exchange of experiences and good practices on the provision of education and training in reading literacy;
- to learn about and disseminate community initiatives and projects within international networks, further raising FELA’s rofile and recognition;
- to create a space to discuss the digital transformation of European education systems and the new role of literacy;
- involve/invite international experts to update FELA members on topics of particular professional interest for members;
- evaluate webinars proceedings to disseminate initiatives and good practice in literacy;
- evaluate the uploading and dissemination of webinars also through FELA website.
Members of the PTW Steering Group
- The Group shall propose at least two initiatives per year and organise meetings and consultations with the PTW Steering Group (through Zoom platform or face to face meetings)
- The Convenor or other designated ExC member shall report on activities to the Executive Committee and the General Assembly as required.
- The Group may seek funding for FELA projects from appropriate sources and will monitor the possibilities for FELA and/or member organizations to participate in European projects.
- Working Practices The Group shall define its own working practices, under the supervision of the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
- The PTW group consists of a steering group members and unlimited ordinary members.
- The members of the PTW Steering Group shall be the Convenor and no fewer than five and no more than seven others at any one time, although non-members may be invited to participate informally. The PTW Steering Group also represents the scientific committee of the promoted webinars.
- At least two members at a time must be from the wider FELA community and not from the Executive Committee.
- Where appropriate for a topic promoted by PTWs, members who do not belong to a FELA member organisation but are known for their knowledge or expertise may be consulted.
- The Executive Committee shall invite member associations to nominate members to the PTW Group.
- In some cases the ExC may propose to the GA to include in the PTW Group also individual honorary members – not affiliated to any associations – because of their experience, influence and contribution from which the FELA network could benefit.
As this is a newly established group, these guidelines are not meant to be definitive, and the Executive Committee reserves the right to propose updates with new integrations and to submit them to the GA in each instance for approval.
Already Accomplished
Literacy and Online Education: From Technology to Critical Thinking (12th – 14th May, 2021)