Collaboration Exchange
There are historical, language, geographical and other regions in Europe. The 32 member associations of the European Committee, IDEC, and beyond, collaborate in different combinations. Mutual to the work is that it reaches out to all who wish to work for literacy for all. Some examples of regional collaborations are:
- The Nordic collaboration with long traditions by Karen Maass, Denmark and Ulla-Britt Persson from Sweden.
- The IDEC regional collaboration on the Iberian peninsula is presented by Maria de Lourdes Dionisio, Portugal and Estela d’Angelo Menéndez, Spain.
Regularly members of IDEC/ FELA work together on educational issues. Examples will be provided later.
European Professional Exchange Programme
In Brussels, 1997, the International Development in Europe Committee IDEC agreed upon the guidelines of this program. purpose of the Programme is to develop links between educators in literacy/reading in different European countries. The Programme allows educators who are members of national reading associations affiliated to the IDEC to visit other IDEC member countries in order to enhance their professional development. Visits can be planned between those member associations who have agreed to participate in the programme. An example of this exchange programme is Exchange BulRA – DGLS